The original musical tale of a New Yorker who finds herself in rural Wisconisn makes it to Milwaukee for one night only as Katie O'Reagan's Dram Cafe The Musical comes to the Pabst Theatre on the 1st of June.
The show's author Katie O'Regan stars as the woman who finds herself in the tiny, little fictional town of Rhymington Wisconsin and runs into all kinds of interesting people. Centered around Rhymington's Dream Cafe, the story sounds like a sweetly sentimental premise whenever people fall in love in the town, they can't help but rhyme. Okay, so it sounds kind of cheesy too, but judging from the promo video on the Pabst Website this sounds like a good time.
Katie O'Regan's Dream Cafe The Musical plays the Pabst at 7:30pm on June 1st. Tickets are $32.50. The show is a fundraiser for O'Regan's Sacred Noise Society Theatre Company.