Thankfully, In Tandem Theatre scores another comichit with its decidedly irreverent Scroogein Rouge, playing at the Tenth Street Theatre through Jan. 3, 2010.
Set in a turn-of-the-century British music hall, thepremise of Scrooge is simple enough:A 23-member theater troupe is laid low by a case of food poisoning (announcedwith a recorded bout of group flatulence that would make Mel Brooks proud),leaving just a trio of exasperated and unprepared actors left to portray allthe roles in a musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
After some chaotic hand-wringing and brow-mopping,the intestinal survivors decide that the show must go on, and do theirhilariously inept best to pull off the feat, dealing with one disaster afteranother. The script by Ricky Graham is uniformly sidesplitting, if somewhatuneven. Really clever bits are sometimes followed by groan-inducing puns, butit’s all done tongue-in-cheek, nudge-nudge wink-wink, and the audience is in onthe joke, so it works.
The real treat here are the performances. In TandemArtistic Director Chris Flieller and Marcella Kearns generate their share oflaughs as they change characters and costumes at an unbelievable pace. One canalmost feel sorry for them, however, as the meatiest role is devoured withaplomb by Matt Daniels, whose bumbling, buxom Lottie had the audience roaringwith each pratfall and miscue. His Ghost of Christmas Present, especially, amix of Lady Gaga and Joanna Lumley’s “Ab Fab” diva Patsy, had the audiencegasping for air.
In the age of teenage sexting, it is perhapsold-fashioned to caution that the humor in Scroogecan be very bawdy indeed, and that the show might be best enjoyed by adults.Those fortunate enough to obtain tickets can look forward to a refreshing, ifsomewhat ribald, evening of comedy.
In Tandem Theatre’s Scrooge in Rouge continues through Jan. 3, 2010.