Alice Wilson-Stuart's Rockabilly Girl Productions is looking to put together a burlesque show in 2014 inspired by Willy Wonka and Charlie the Chocolate Factory. It's being directed by Wisconsin Hybrid Theatre's Charles Sommers.
It's an open call. They're not only looking for burlesque acts, they're also looking for circus and comedy acts. Of course, anything that can be bent to the rather interesting theme of Roald Dahl's classic would be ideal.
The show itself is (and this is actually pretty cool, too) the date of the show is February 14th. (And possibly the 15th.) Sounds kind of fun.
Here's the audition notice as posted:
AUDITION NOTICE: Charlie's Chocolate Cabaret! A cabaret/burlesque inspired by Willy Wonka/Charlie & The Chocolate Factory! Produced by Rockabilly Girl Productions. Directed by Charles Sommers of RadioWHT. Sat & Sun Dec 7th & 8th. 12 noon-? at The Underground Collaborative. By appointment only! Message or email me to schedule a time or with questions. All comedy/burlesque/circus acts encouraged to audition! Show date is Feb 14th w/ a tech earlier same day. Potential to add a Sat show if Friday sells out!
** In addition to variety acts we are seeking a strong entertainer to be a Wonka-esque emcee. Must be able to sing Pure Imagination! Male or female!
** Also seeking a Charlie 8-12ys?? Parents must be ok with child being part of a mature show. Singing ability a plus as we would like the child to be able to sing I've Got A Golden Ticket. Girls and boys encouraged to audition!
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Contact Alice Wilson-Stuart to schedule an audition time.
(414) 430-0507
Alice Wilson on Facebook
@Bobosnakes on Twitter