The MWA presentskathryn e. martin, who received her MFA in Intermedia from UW-Milwaukee (whereshe now serves on the faculty). The artist’s background in sculpture and arthistory inspires an artistic process that incorporates overlooked items intolarge-scale, found object installations.
The exhibit “OneFrom Wisconsin: kathryn e. martin” features site-specific art in a project thatwill transform MWA’s intimate gallery into an innovative environment composedof recycled cardboard packaging, or ExpandOS.
Past installationsfrom martin include the John Michael Kohler Arts Center’s “kathryn e. martin:Flotant” (2008), featuring a floating marsh constructed from the rims ofthousands of Styrofoam cups, and the Hank Aaron State Trail’s A Place to Sit, a permanent artworkconsisting of high-back chairs dedicated in October 2009.
The MWA hosts martinat an artist’s reception on Sunday, March 21, at 1:30 p.m.
The Charles Allis Art Museum highlightsestablished artists in its annual juried exhibition “Forward: A Survey ofWisconsin Art Now.”
The museum selectedartists from more than 250 entries. The opening reception Wednesday, Feb. 24,from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., will coincide with an awards ceremony that honors sevenartists with monetary prizes. Among the honors will be the Friends of theCharles Allis Grand Prize and two Awards for Excellence. Viewers will also receivea chance to vote for their favorite artist in this exhibition that continuesthrough May 19.
The 2010 “ScholasticArt AwardsWisconsin Regional” opened Feb. 6 at the Milwaukee Art Museum.The exhibition features more than 350 compositions chosen from almost 1,300juried entries by seventh- to 12th-grade students.
From the hundreds ofworks receiving distinctions, five outstanding pieces captured “American VisionAwards.” Every entry in the “Scholastic Art Awards” deserves attention, as dothe numerous teachers who instructed and encouraged the students highlighted inthis exhibit. This fascinating exhibition truly shows the power of arteducation.