This traditional crèche depicts a version ofChrist's birth that the MAM dates from the mid-18th century, when Italianfamilies in Naplessecured distinguished artists from the region to design a sculpture that honorsChristmas. Crafted from polychrome terracotta, painted wood and fabric, theprovincial vignette portrays a natural vulnerability emphasized by the humblematerials used in creating the art.
Animated nativity figures clothed in brightMediterranean pastels recall lavender, lime and persimmon hues from the southernItalian landscape. Even the shepherds' costumes detail native braid, tinybuttons and fur that were worn while watching over the nearby sheep adornedwith miniature bronze bells hung from leather straps.
The infant child sits on Mary's lap, the virgin motherclothed in her traditional blue satin cloak with one corner being tugged by asmall, shaggy dog. Joseph gazes over the mother and baby while holding a tallmetal flower bouquet, and the Holy Family is represented with golden halos orcrowns signifying their sacred position. In accordance with scriptures thatreference this event, a chorus of nine putti and two large angels heraldChrist's birth. The age-old crèche remains a symbolic, momentous artwork.