In honor of the MLK holiday, sseveral award-winning short subjects for children on the great civil rights leader have been collected onto a Scholastic DVD, %uFFFDMarch On! the Day my Brother Martin Changed the World ... and More Stories About African American History.%uFFFD The centerpiece, drawn from the recollections of King's sister Christine King Ferris, is an account of the epochal civil rights rally on the National Mall in August, 1963. What's interesting about her memory of this familiar event is her insight into her brother. A third generation preacher, King was raised for great things. Early in life he learned public speaking and rhetoric and how to craft an image for himself. He made it look easy, but as Ferris points out, King labored hard over everything, writing and rewriting his famous %uFFFDI Have a Dream%uFFFD speech until every word rang out like music.
Brother Martin
Teaching MLK