Centering on a fantastical world dreamed up by its young protagonist Zoé, Quidam (Latin for “a nameless passer-by”) is Cirque du Soleil's ninth production and a much darker cousin to its fellow shows. Featuring mysterious characters—including the titular figure, a headless man said to simultaneously embody “both everyone and no one”—and macabre theatrics, Quidam addresses feelings of isolation and ennui. While the show evokes the dreaminess of a fairy tale, it remains grounded, if only metaphorically, in its acrobatic roots: Quidam's set design utilizes a new rigging system that makes it possible for performers to enter and exit while already aloft, further adding to the dreamlike nature of the show. (Through Sunday, Oct. 23.)
Cirque du Soleil: Quidam
Today @ Bradley Center, 3:30 and 7:30 p.m.