For its fourth installment, the Eastside Jazzfest, an ongoing series designed to showcase jazz artists from Milwaukee or with ties to the city, spotlights four unique acts from very different corners of the jazz world. Headlining is The Dan Nimmer Trio, led by the Milwaukee-born pianist who has held a prestigious role playing for Wynton Marsalis since 2005, both in Marsalis' quintet and in the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra. The bill also includes the organ-based Who's Your Daddy Triowhich presents a funkier spin on jazz, updating the sweaty soul of Jimmy Smith and Jimmy McGriffand guitarist Manty Ellis, a longtime staple of the Milwaukee jazz scene who will perform with his latest quartet. The Milwaukee Jazz Vision Student Combo opens the night, highlighting some of the city's youngest jazz talent.
Eastside Jazzfest 4
Today @ Milwaukee Youth Arts Center, 6 p.m.