Released in 1978, near the height of 1950s nostalgia, and anchored by an iconic performance from John Travolta, Grease became the most commercially successful musical film of its time and the third-highest-grossing film of the '70s. More than three decades later, the film still commands a cult following, so much so that Paramount recently released a sing-along version of the film, inviting audiences to sing along with lyrics printed on the screen. After a planned February screening at the Turner Hall Ballroom was canceled by winter weather, the Discovery World screens the sing-along as part of its free outdoor Fish Fry & A Flick movie series. The fish hits the fryer at 5 p.m.; the singing will begin around sunset. <P>
Fish Fry & A Flick: Grease Sing-Along
Tonight @ Discovery World, 5 p.m.