If you need proof that we need The Cap Times, read the Wisconsin State Journal editorials for a week. Today is no exception. The WSJ condemns Peg Lautenslager, again, for challenging the nuisance caused by a cranberry operation. Do they get this stuff through a pneumatic tube hooked up with WMC? Or do they just let the Farm Bureau write guest editorials?
It is not a question of whether the Cap Times experiment works, it is essential to a healthy intellectual atmosphere in Madison that it succeeds. I can't imagine this as a one-paper town.
The WSJ wrote, "This will end the era of two daily papers." No it won't. It ends the era of two printed papers but not the end of the Cap Times as a competitor.
I was privileged to emcee the 90th birthday celebration of the Cap Times. It was a celebration of substance. My off-hand comment that one reads the Cap Times for facts, the WSJ for fiction probably offended a few but so what? That is, in part, the mandate from Evjue, John Patrick Hunter, and Elliot Mariness.
I got lots of calls, most began, "Did you hear the Cap Times is going out of business?" I can only surmise that the roll-out of the new approach raised more questions than it answered.
I'm reminded of a Pete Seeger song, "You can't scare`me I'm sticking with the union." Well, I'm sticking with the Cap Times. (Besides, the snow doesn't cover my computer.)
Good luck for the next 90!