RJAM National Day of Action 2023
Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee (RJAM) are holding a National Day of Action this weekend to mark the one-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade being overturned. They invite folks to join them at Red Arrow/Dontre Hamilton Park, noon on Saturday, June 24 for a rally where organizations will be tabling with information about how to help in the fight to save reproductive rights in Wisconsin. There will also be a button making station with all proceeds are going to Sun-Seeker MKE, a Black trans abolitionist collective built around mutual aid and multi-issue praxis.
A 1.5 mile march in Downtown Milwaukee will follow the rally, featuring speakers from organizations such as Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, Milwaukee Anti-War Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin Students For Choice, Freedom Road Socialist Organization and more.
RJAM Publicity Chair Carly Klein reflects on the busy year the organization has had and the impact they have made on Milwaukee. “We worked tirelessly to pass a resolution through the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors stating that they do not agree with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and view the 1849 abortion ban as a public health issue. We fought to have an advisory referendum added to this past spring election’s ballot, where over 76% of Milwaukee County voters said that they did not agree with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the current statute 940.04 that criminalizes abortion in our state. Prior to this election we canvassed over 1,500 houses in Milwaukee County and spread information about the referendum and information on how and where to vote.”
Actionable Items
Currently RJAM are working on a number of actionable items. They are organizing to get Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm to sign a pledge saying that he will not prosecute medical providers for assisting or providing abortion procedures. Sign RJAM’s petition here.
They are also working with Milwaukee County Board Supervisor Ryan Clancy on a resolution allowing Milwaukee County employees to receive travel reimbursement when pursuing abortion procedures out of state. Lastly, they are part of the Coalition to Save St. Francis Hospital for re-opening their labor and delivery unit, which was closed last December. “We have been preparing for the reinstatement of Roe v. Wade and plan to fight for abortion access that is more accessible than prior to the statewide abortion ban in June of last year,” Klein added.
In addition to the upcoming National Day of Action, folks can come to RJAM’s next New Member Meeting,1 p.m. July 8 in Milwaukee Central Library’s Rotary Club Room. “This meeting will give an overview of our history as an organization, the work we have done so far, our current campaigns and ways to get involved,” Klein said.
Visit Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee’s Linktree for more information.