SoutheasternWisconsin has its share of problems related to water, but that alsomeans it has opportunities for researchers, engineers and businesses.Here are a few common problems in this region and elsewhere thatrequire solutions:
- Municipalwastewater treatment: Increasing efficiency, removing pharmaceuticalsand phosphates, reducing chemicals used in treatment, removing PCBsfrom sewer pipes, utilizing sewage sludge
- Industrialwastewater treatment: disposing of or using liquid farm manure,recovering metals from industrial waste, water cleaning and reuse inaquaculture
- Storm-watertreatment: disinfecting storm-water runoff, limiting sewer overflows,removing road salt from storm water, treating and containing stormwater
- Waterprocess issues: increasing efficiency in beer brewing and waterheating, reducing energy use in the production of electricity
- Waterquality treatment: removing pharmaceuticals and phosphates, developingreal-time sensors of life forms, removing radium from groundwater,desalinization
- Residential quality use: increasing water heating efficiency, filtering water in the home, removing phosphates from well water
- Qualityof life issues: limiting growth of algae in lakes, removing PCBs fromlakes and rivers
source: “Water Summit White Paper” by Sammis B. White, July 14, 2008