Tim Michels rally
Since Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the US Supreme Court, Wisconsin is now governed by an 1849 abortion law that outlaws abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest. Tim Michels says that this 1849 ban is “an exact mirror” of his position.
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Tim Michels said that he is principled and is not going to soften his position on abortion, including his statement that it is “not unreasonable” for the government to force a rape victim to have to give birth.
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In 2020 alone, Tim Michels along with his family foundation donated close to $200,000 to anti-abortion groups.
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Tim Michels supports allowing 18 years olds to buy assault style weapons with no cooling off or waiting period.
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Tim Michels opposes any assault style weapons ban similar to the one the U.S. had in effect for 10 years between 1994 and 2004.
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Tim Michels opposes “Red Flag” laws that allow the police, family members or in some cases even a doctor to petition a court to remove someone’s guns if they are a threat to themselves or others.
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On marriage equality, Tim Michels firmly believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman. He said that he would even support a constitutional amendment that only allows marriage between a man and a woman.
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Tim Michels is highly critical of public education and wants to cut public school funding. Public schools have been a fundamental part of American democracy, the avenue for middle- and lower-income children to get to college and participate in the American Dream. Michels sent his children to expensive private prep schools on the East Coast. He said that funding public education is “the definition of insanity.”
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Tim Michels, when asked about the 2020 election and the illegal efforts to try to decertify that election, his answer was “everything will be on the table” if he becomes governor. He also promoted the conspiracy theories that “maybe” the 2020 election was stolen and that “Trump would probably be president right now if we had election integrity.”
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Regarding the 2024 election, if he were governor, Michels would not commit to respecting the final vote count and insuring that the will of the people would prevail.
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Tim Michels voiced his support for Michael Gableman, the man who wasted over $1 million taxpayer dollars on a sham investigation of the 2020 election and found no irregularities that could have changed the result of the election.
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Tim Michels trivialized the January 6 insurrection that left police officers dead as just people showing “frustration over the election results.”
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If he becomes Governor, Tim Michels wants to see his company, Michels Corporation, continue to get state contracts even though the boss of the individuals awarding the contracts ultimately works for the governor.
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