TheDemocrat-on-the-ballot-only has announced he wants to launch a military-styleboot camp at the Milwaukee County Correctional Facility whether you like it ornot.
“Withmy constitutional authority, if I have to, I'll do it unilaterally,” he told areporter.
Clarkeeventually wants all inmates to participate in 90-day boot camp programs,saying they'll leave the facility with a new outlook on life and changedbehavior.
Butis that true? According to the Bush-era U.S. Department of Justice, boot campsjust don't have the impact that tough-on-crime law-and-order conservatives likeClarke are seeking. According to a 2003 report, released when John Ashcroft wasthe attorney general, some boot camp participants reported short-term changesin attitudes and behaviors. But “these positive changes did not lead to reducedrecidivism.” The federal government's General Accounting Office surveyed bootcamps in federal prisons and also failed to find reduced recidivism rates.
Sowhile Clarke may be posturing for the conservatives who support him at thepolls, don't believe the hype that his one-man marching orders will preventthose convicted of crimes from committing more crimes in the future.
Hero of the Week
Erik Lindberg of Transition Milwaukee
As co-founder ofTransition Milwaukee, Erik Lindberg encourages people to reduce theirenvironmental footprints. Transition Milwaukee,together with the Riverwest Neighborhood Association and other local groups,issued a “Power Down Milwaukee” challenge the week of June 21-27. The“staycation” saw participants turn off phones and computers, get out of theircars and join neighbors for community workshops and projects designed to fosterawareness of our dependency on the energy grid.
The festivitiesculminated with an Energy Independence Day celebration in Gordon Parkon July 5, with family activities and entertainment on a stage powered bybicycle generators.
Readers who wish to getinvolved or learn more about how to increase their energy independence areurged to visit the Transition Milwaukee website
Jerk of the Week
Gerald Fox, Jackson CountyDistrict Attorney
Talkabout jumping the gun! In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision onChicago's tough handgun ban, Jackson County District Attorney Gerald R. Fox hasdecided that he won't prosecute people for carrying concealed weapons, keepingguns in cars, carrying guns in public buildings or being armed where alcohol isserved. Fox argues that the court's decision makes those Wisconsin laws“unconstitutional”immediately. So much for the power of the state courts andLegislature, hey? The fact is that the Chicagocase has nothing to do with Wisconsin'sconcealed carry ban. And even uber-conservative Justice Samuel Alito wrote thatthe decision doesn't prevent states and municipalities from passing“reasonable” gun regulations. We suggest that Fox follow the law and not turn Jackson County into the Wild West, or resignfrom office for not fulfilling his responsibilities.