In a small town in rural Minnesota, high school senior Hattie Hoffman has been found stabbed to death in an abandoned barn on the edge of town. Mindy Mejia’s new novel, Everything You Want Me To Be, recounts Hattie’s final year of high school and the complicated factors that ultimately lead to her tragic murder.
This suspenseful and engaging novel is told from three perspectives: local sheriff Del Goodman, a close family friend who vows to solve the case; Peter Lund, Hattie’s high school English teacher whose own marriage is crumbling (in part because of the illicit affair he begins with Hattie soon after he and his wife move to Pine Valley); and Hattie herself, a natural actor who is much more complicated than she first appears.
Everything You Want Me To Be was released in January, and already this fast-paced story has been named as one of the Best New Mysteries by the Wall Street Journal. Both a psychological thriller and a complex character profile, this mesmerizing novel will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Mindy Mejia, a Minnesota native, also authored the 2012 novel The Dragon Keeper. In an event sponsored by Crimespree Magazine, Mejia will speak at Boswell Book Co. (2559 N. Downer Ave.) at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 13.