Chris Fink
In the mythical town of Odette County, Wis., hard-working citizens face the trials and tribulations of rural life in a series of compelling tales. Farmer’s Almanac: A Work of Fiction is a collection of short stories by Chris Fink that follows characters living on back roads and in small towns of America. Similar to the actual Farmer’s Almanac that provides readers with weather forecasts and gardening tips, this book is divided into sections such as “Long-Range Forecast,” “Animal Husbandry” and “Hunting and Trapping.” Among the stories, a local athletic star must choose between the baseball field and the farm, while a young girl stands up to local bullies. Farmer’s Almanac describes the limitations and hard-won pleasures of rural life in fictional Odette County.
Author Chris Fink was raised in Wisconsin and comes from a large farming family. He is an associate professor of English at Beloit College and also serves as editor for the Beloit Fiction Journal. Fink will speak at Boswell Book Co. (2559 N Downer Ave.) on Friday, April 26, at 7 p.m.