In The Asphalt Jungle (1950)—acclaimed director John Huston’s classic film noir—crooked attorney Louis Calhern tells his wife: “After all, crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.” If you haven’t seen it, you simply gotta watch it.
This memorable line is a great way to describe About Life: And Then We Die (2011) by Joe Butts, the late, Black Milwaukee County deputy sheriff’s riveting tale based on scary, actual local police activities. Butts’ no holds-barred look at deputy sheriffs with whom he worked during 30 years in the department, deals with his life-altering stress on the job, and at home.
I knew Butts as part of a small group of gutsy, Black officers of the law at a time when the city—and its power structure—was largely white. These days, despite a Black population of about 230,000 among about 600,000 inhabitants, Milwaukee race relations remain strained. This, even with more Black politicians at the helm.
Renowned on the Streets
During my teenage years here, several close friends became police officers after high school – a few following their return from military service. Along with Butts, my late cousin Bert Revels, William Wade and Leroy and Luther Harmon, they were preceded by several hard-charging, respected Black cops renowned on the streets.
Most noted was my late uncle, Calvin C. Moody—the city’s first Black detective and first Black member of the County Board of Supervisors. Moody, Felmers O. Chaney (who later headed the local NACP), Lonnie Spencer and Charlie Benford, were tough-as nails with any lawbreakers they encountered—Black and white.
Butts’ first full-length paperback, Crime and Other Critical Social llls…As Seen From Behind the Badge (1995), details his experiences with jail and court duty, with his motorcycle and squad patrol, and as a detective investigating violent crimes. His 30 years in the sheriff’s department included 20 years in plain clothes and undercover.
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About Life: And Then We Die, Butts’ second paperback, came much later. It was a searing portrayal of jealousy, sexual indiscretion and marital infidelity leading to violence and the death of a young sheriff’s deputy, despite the best efforts of his partner and his sister. He clearly put his heart and soul into this project.
I was great friends with Butts and Emma, his wife of 57 years. Yet, I was surprised to learn of his writing talent, demonstrated by the empathetic, compassionate and graphic prose that paints a disturbing picture of tragic events. Most impressive to me is how he captured the mood of street cops under pressure.
Gritty Detail
His second book begins: “It was an extremely hot, late July afternoon in the early ‘60s when Tony and Russ left headquarters in search of missing work-release prisoners convicted and sentenced with this privilege as a condition of probation on felony charges. Many, including those serving sentences on misdemeanors, did not return to jail as required. On this night, Tony and Russ were assigned to search for missing felony inmates …”
His true-to-life Milwaukee tale proceeds to Tony and Russ trying “to rescue” a white waitress menaced by her “very muscular” 280-pound Black boyfriend, who is accusing her of going to bed with his best friend. And on and on.
Butts’ knowledge of ins-and-outs of street cop routine enabled him to clearly communicate the personal mindset of lawmen partners as events—some beyond their control—cause their world to crumble. And while making sure not to pass judgment on the actions of his real-life characters, readers know where the authors stand.
Lived the Life
Except for stereotyped movies over the years, Butts’ writing hit home concerning real-life police officers here, about which little is known. And who better to do it than a Black man who lived the life in Milwaukee?
After retiring, Butts counseled battered and homeless women and children for a social service agency and led an alarm installation-monitoring firm. He also was a security consultant for the Milwaukee school system and Housing Authority.
Sadly, Joe Butts passed away at 77, on May 29, 2013. Needless to say, I still miss him and his straight-forward approach to police work and to life. My Milwaukee hometown was fortunate to have Joe Butts.
Get About Life: And Then We Die at Amazon here.
Get Crime and Other Critical Social llls at Amazon here.
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