Falls Patio Players will be holding auditions in August for an upcoming production of Godspell. Heidi Salter directs the show, which will be staged early this coming October. A show featuring tunes inspired by a variety of moods from pop to vaudeville tell stories from the New Testament in a Stephen Schwartz musical that continues to be popular decades after its original production.
The FPP production seeks an ethnically diverse group of performers for the show. Auditions will be held Aug. 10 and 11. They’re looking for five men and five women who are over 18 years of age. Those interested should prepare 16 bar of a song and sheet music. And accompanist will be provided. Auditions will be held at the MFMS Auditorium on N88 W16750 Garfield Dr. in Menomonee Falls. For more information, visit the Falls Patio Players online.