We enter now into mid-June. A time when many of the larger, more established theatre stages in Greater Milwaukee are fully asleep dreaming of the season to come. These then are the days of outdoor Shakespeare. And there certainly is a great deal of it in the next couple of weeks.
As chance and circumstance would have it, there are three outdoor SHakespeare shows in the next three weeks. At month's end, Riotous Shakespeare stages its Two Gentlemen of Verona for free at various parks. A week prior to that, Optimist Theatre revisits the area outside Alverno College with its free outdoor staging of Macbeth.
This coming weekend finds a condensed staging of Hamlet making its way to Lapham Peak State Park in Delafield as part of the park's Summerstage program. If you want to watch a breezier version of a drama that sounds a lot like Shakespeare's Greatest Hits, it will cost you. But not much. Tickets range in price from $15 for adults to $5 for children 8 - 12.
Suitcase Shakespeare brings its staging to Delafield with a few actors and a ladder, which should be an interesting experience and I'm sure the park is beautiful. With only a 30-40% chance of rain through the weekend, there's a good chance the weather is gpoing to be good for it as well.
Suitcase Shakes' staging of Hamlet runs June 15th and 16th. For ticket reservations, visit Summerstage online.