The process of working out a theatrical script can be kind of a strange journey. Say you're working on a really interesting idea for the stage about a man who can't be killed and a man who won't shut up about it. Then you run across a talented local actor and he says he's really more into doing film now. Turns out his was the voice you always heard in your head when you were writing the script. Now you go back to work on the script and suddenly the man who can't be killed isn't talking to you anymore and the other guy still won't shut-up . . .
And so, the UWM Theatre Department is presenting Under Construction a staged reading of a new work by playwright Laura Jacqmin. She's written something about memory loss (I'm a sucker for amnesia stories--though I'm more partial to anterograde amnesia myself . . . ) for local theatre. Thursday night she had an opportunity to hear the play read for the first time. Hearing actual voices read those lines can have an interesting effect on the writing process. As I write this, she’s working on a revision in response to that reading. She's only got a small amount of time before it is presented again.
The new version of the play will be read Sunday the 22nd at 7:30 pm at Studio 508 in the Kenilworth building. The reading is free and open to the public.