On my birthday back in 2009, I went to the Alchemist Theatre to see a production of Edward Albee’s classic drama Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Six years to the day I saw that production, Cream City Theater LLC is opening its staging of the classic drama at Theatre Unchained. Thursday, March 19, 2009 a production of Albee’s classic opened at the Alchemist Theatre south of downtown. On Thursday, March 19, 2015 there will be a staging of Albee’s classic that will be opening at Theatre Unchained south of downtown. It’s like they planned it that way or something. But probably not. I don’t think anyone from the ’09 production is involved in this one. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I don’t think there’s any significance here. It’s just weird. That’s all. Maybe I can make this a regular thing I do on my birthday every six years. I don’t know.
The cast of the CCT production includes Mack Heath as George, Kim Elmer as Martham Nicholas Callan Haubner as Nick and Laura Chartrand as Honey. Katherine Beeson directs. The drama of two married couples plays out in the intimate space of Theatre Unchained on 1024 S. 5th Street. The show runs Mar. 19 - 29. For more information, visit Cream City Theater.