Things appear ton e getting lined-up for quite a lot of Shakespeare this summer in various attractive places around greater Milwaukee. The new show by World's Stage Theatre joins a summer with two outdoor Shakespeare stagings this summer. Hosted by World's Stage's Gretchen Mahkorn, Desire Is Death is a program featuring scenes and sonnets about love and the usual sorts of Shakespearian complexity that goes along with it.
Directed by mara McGhee, the show features some really impressive, young performers including Grace DeWolff, Andrew Parchman, Liz Whitford and quite a few others.
Desire Is Death has two performances: June 10th at 7:30 pm and June 13th at 10:30 pm Both performances are at the Villa Terrace Art Museum on 2220 North Terrace Avenue. For ticket reservations, call 414-278-8295 or email: