As side projects for stage actors go, Elizabeth Shipe’s Reconstructing Grimm is an interesting labor of love. Shipe has proven to be a talented actress in a few high-profile local stage productions (most recently In Tandem’s Art of Murder.) In the recent past, she has also worked with Pear Photography to establish a photo project where in she and various other local actors pose in costume in scenes drawn from classic fairy tales.
The latest to show-up on Shipe’s Facebook profile is a photo project illustrating the classic 18th century French fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Jonathan Tess is Beast to Shipe’s Beauty, with Milwaukee theatre icon Angela Iannone as the Enchantress. Three pics are available online. Fond Du Lac’s Windhover Center for the Arts presents the latest public display of the total Grimm project thus far.
The Windhover Center will be hosting a reception for the exhibit from 6 – 9 pm on Saturday, July 16th. The Widnhover Center is located at 51 Sheboygan Street in Fond Du Lac. The reception is free and open to the public. Liz Shipe and collaborator Perry Heideman will be present. Dessert hors d'oeuvres will be provided by Blessed Bee Cakes. There is a cash bar.