Quasimondo Physical Theatre has rather rapidly built a very solid reputation on engaging new material based on classic and nearly classic tropes. Video games. Anime. H.P. Lovecraft. Coming shortly: nautical clowns and an old Shakespearian king. Really. The Nautical Tragedy of Dick III will feature clowns in a mash-up between Moby Dick and Richard III.
Right now, they’re looking for a cast for the rather unique hybrid show. According to the formal announcement: “Ideal candidates will have experience in Shakespeare, clowning and/or be musically inclined.” How could this not be fun? Sounds cool.
The Auditions will be two-parts.
More from the formal announcement:
“PART I, 6-8pm: Reserve and audition slot and present one of the following: a Shakespearean monologue, a comedic monologue, or a song to be sung acapella. Bring resume and headshot. (If you do not have a monologue prepared, one will be provided for you to read.)
PART II, 8pm: Performers will participate in a movement/clowning workshop lead by ensemble members, followed by scene readings.”
Auditions take place on May 2 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 pm.
To reserve an audition time slot, write brianrott@thequasimondo.com or call: 414-702 0392.