Now in its fifth year, local sketch comedy group Broadminded continues a tradition of regularly performing new material with its latest show: Encyclopedia Broadtannica: Complete and Abridged. (this as opposed to completely abridged or complete and unabridged or incompletely abridged or...) The unique comic perspectives of Stacy Babl, Anne Graff LaDisa, Melissa Kingston and Megan McGee feed through what is being referred to as, “an unbiased, humor-based revision of history.” Sounds like a lot of fun. Subjects include “historical attack ads, Greek mythology, time travel, and current events bound for the history books.”
The group constructs comedy that works on a few different levels and pretty consistently entertains on all of them. Some of the most consistently funny stuff in town continues to grow and evolve with its latest show. . . a show which is scheduled to run November 11th - 20th at the Alchemist Theatre. For ticket reservations, visit the Alchemist Online.