This year, August ends with a quick, little comedy presented by In Tandem Theatre. The Play Daters is a fresh, new comedy by reasonably local playwright Neil Haven. The comedy, which tells the tale of a couple of guys working to exploit a dating website, originally debuted in a student production at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The script has been updated since, making it to the stage of the Tenth Street Theatre for a few performances at the end of August.
The cast includes comic talents Karen Estrada and Elizabeth Shipe. The two guys are played by Jeremiah Munsey and playwright Neil Haven.
In Tandem's production of Neil Haven's Play Daters runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 26th-28th. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased by calling 414-271-1371 or visiting In Tandem online. Once the show finishes here, it continues on to Chicago for a brief run at the Chicago Fringe Festival.