Milwaukee-born Insurgent Theatre returns to town late this month for a multi-media show that offers some really interesting opportunities for local audiences at the Borg Ward on 823 W. National Ave. The Shadow of Lucasville opens the program. It’s a short documentary that revisits one of the longest prison uprisings in U.S. history.
The program follows this up with a live phone conversation with some of the prisoners featured in the film.
Playwright Ben Turk’s Behind the Badge explores what it means to be a compassionate police officer in a country with the world’s highest rate of incarceration. The 90-minute live theatrical presentation is directed by Kate Pleuss. It is performed by Turk and Colleen Hackett.
It’s the type of free performance that really needs to be seen by more people than it will appeal to. As a nation we really need to look at why so many of us are locked-up. In the interest of supporting these people and their mission, $6 donations are encouraged.
Behind the Badge and Shadow of Lucasville hits the Borg Ward at 7 p.m. on June 20.