Wisconsin Hybrid Theatre does exceedingly good work in out of the way places. Not exactly a noted venue for comic theatre, Frank’s Power Plant is, nevertheless, a fun little bar in Bay View. And so why not have a fun, little comedy there for Valentine’s Day?
The Wisconsin Hybrid Theatre has recently announced something considerably less extravagent than last year’s Very Vintage Valentine’s Day as it presents what sounds like a very casual vintage live radio show at Frank’s Power Plant?
This Valentine’s Day Eve, WHT presents the story of Dangerous Liasons as re-imagined by Radio WHT in Lonely Hearts of Sacred Heart Hospitallive radio comedy that in this case isn’t being broadcast on radio. The cast includes some of my favorites. Including Jack Farwell, Ira Hampton Deb Burnham and Mosey Wells. The name Olive Hampton is also listed . . . not sure I’m familiar with her, but a Radio WHT show usually has a few surprises here and there. Normally I’m busy Monday nights, but I may have to rearrange my schedule for this one . . .
Radio WHT performs it’s pre-Valentine’s day show at Frank’s Powerplant (2800 South KK) at 8pm on February 13th. It’s a free show.