The Over Our Head Players are gearing up for another summer Schmeatre show and they're looking for new talent. The Racine-based theatre has nnounced a bonus production that has been tacked on to the end of their 20th season. Their undoubtedly popular Theatre/Schmeatre sketch comedy show runs June 8th - 16th.
The evening of short, original comic sketches needs talent. OOHPs is holding open auditions for the show Tuesday, May 1st at 7pm. Shows are at 7pm and 9pm on fridays and 5:30 pm and 8pm on Saturdays. Both male and female actors are needed Auditions will consist of cold readings, but may also include improv exercises. No previous experience is necessary.
Auditions take place at the Sixth Street Theatre on 318 Sixth Street in Racine. For more information, call 262-632-6802 or visit the Players online.