The Rocky Horror Picture Show is 40 years old this year. The Rocky Horror Show is a little bit older than that having first graced the live stage back in 1973. It’s been a huge hit with a dedicated cult following. (Personally I’m disappointed that the sequel didn’t get the kind of following that Rocky Horror did. Rocky Horror was fun, but Shock Treatment was strikingly clever social satire. Originally produced as a film, Shock Treatment is being produced for stage this Spring in England. Here's hoping it makes its way across the Atlantic.
It’s difficult to imagine the world of Brad, Janet Dr. Frank N. Furter as anything other than the way it was brought to film back in 1975, theoretically one could use the same script for a distinctly different aesthetic feel. This may be the case with Alchemist Theatre’s upcoming production of Rocky Horror. From the auditions notice:
“Please be advised, this is NOT a ‘shadow cast performance’ and the goal is not to simply recreate the film. Actors may feel free to offer their own character interpretations, but should be open to character notes.