In just a few weeks, Theatre RED opens the world-premiere production of A Thousand Times Goodnight. Written by Jared McDaris, the play is a fusion of the 1,001 Arabian Nights and the style of William Shakespeare. The story follows master storyteller Scheherazade on her quest to save the lives of many by telling stories to a homicidal sultan.
The show is written and directed by McDaris. Scheherezade is played by Amanda Carson. It runs November 7th through 16th at the Sunset Playhouse. For more information about the show, visit its Facebook page.
Show's producers Christopher Elst and Marcee Doherty-Elst have also put together a funding pitch for the show on Kickstarter.
These two actors are remarkably charming and this video has nice social/professional feel about it that presents their company Theatre RED quite well. Even if you have no intention of donating to the production it's fun to listen to them talk about the show.