Positioned as a spin-off of the “Fast & Furious” franchise, this film is produced by its leads, Johnson and Statham. The studio threw $200 million at the budget, allowing the effects team to create action sequences rivaling those of comic book films. And the story goes: In London, American lawman Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) is ordered to partner with former British military operative, Shaw (Jason Statham), and Shaw's sister, a fearless MI6 agent (Vanessa Kirby). The two men bicker nonstop, even when pitted against Brixton Lore (Idris Elba), a genetically enhanced villain who rides a mean motorcycle and is hell-bent on using a killer virus to wipe out humanity. Helen Mirren reprises her role as Shaw's mum, but Hobbs gets family time too. On a remote island, we meet his mom and three brothers, one of whom (Roman Reigns), is Johnson's real-life cousin.