Greta R
Co-written by director Neil Jordan, this drama introduces American multiplex audiences to renowned French actress Isabelle Huppert. She plays Greta, the owner of a purse left on the subway found by New York City transplant Frances (Chloë Grace Moretz). The aging piano teacher is pleased when Frances returns her bag and invites her for tea. Frances, having recently lost her own mother, is happy to make a new friend. However, as their friendship progresses, Frances discovers that Greta may not be as she appears. Although the film becomes overly predictable, Moretz and Huppert deliver spot-on performances.
Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral PG-13
Having gathered for a family reunion, the occasion is marred when a member of Madea's family dies suddenly. As usual, Madea finds fault with everyone else's behavior, lecturing and socking it to one family member after the next while praying they will see the light. Having played church-going Madea for 20 years, Perry states he's done. He will be 50 this year and doesn't want to play the eternally 68-year-old grandmother as he approaches her age. Say a prayer for Madea fans, and for Lionsgate, as this brings Perry's partnership with the studio to a close. Filmed over just one week in Atlanta, lightning-fast shooting schedules help make profitable this series grossing more than half a billion dollars. In addition to directing, writing and playing Madea, Perry will also appear as Joe, Brian and Heathrow.