Rings 3D PG-13
This Ring threequel reunites audiences with a decrepit, vengeful ghost. Wielding a supernatural force, Samara kills watchers of her video after seven days. Plot-challenged, the film relies on spooky makeup effects and chilling visuals. Contortionist Bonnie Morgan appeared as Ring Two’s Samara, mistress of the terrifying, “spider crawl.” Morgan returns to stalk new victims, but her greatest accomplishment occurred during the film’s clever marketing campaign, when Samara crawled out of a shopping mall TV to grab frightened onlookers. I would have bought tickets to that...
The Space Between Us PG-13
This interplanetary love story features Asa Butterfield as 16-year-old Gardner Elliot, whose mother died in childbirth shortly after establishing a new settlement on Mars. While searching online for his Earth-dwelling father, Gardner meets and falls for street-smart Colorado teen, Tulsa (Britt Robertson). Desperate to meet her, Gardner is allowed to come to Earth, only to learn his organs can’t adapt to our atmosphere. Determined to meet the girl he loves, Gardner escapes his keepers and begins a race against the clock. Perhaps the challenges of life on Mars will help to attract 10-14-year-old female viewers, but love being fickle, it’s difficult to imagine Butterfield bringing in an older crowd.