Inkubus, the new horror film, was directed by newcomer Glenn Ciano and produced by Chad Verdi. The fright takes place during a graveyard shift at a Rhode Island police station. Inkubus, a demon, walks in holding the head of a slain victim. Voluntarily Inkubus is detained and questioned by police. He gleefully admits to his numerous murders, some going back hundreds of years. Inkubus has a grudge with one particular policeman, and is determined to take it out on the lot. The iconic Robert Englund returns to the genre as Inkubus, while William Forsythe plays a detective.
How was it working with such established actors?
Ciano: Working with Robert Englund was absolutely amazing. He is a pro, and he is the horror of the film. He rolled up his sleeves and helped me, as a first- time director. He has a cult following. While William Forsythe really commits and he has a fan base. He is one of the great American actors. They really legitimized this film. It felt like watching a heavy- weight- boxing match with these actors. I am really thankful.
How did you become a director?
Ciano: I picked up a camera and became a production assistant. I just worked my way up. I am really lucky.
How would you describe the film?
Ciano: Well Inkubus is not just blood and gore. The film really explores evil. The whole concept of the devil is raised. There are questions of if we choose to do evil, or if spiritual evil causes evil. Like when people say "the devil made me do it." That allows for Inkubus to really stretch genres. There really is an emotional core to the film and it's a rollercoaster.
How will this be released?
Verdi: Inkubus is already set to be released in thirteen states. It will also be on Video On Demand, which allows for millions more to see it. It has really great acting and it has legs. That supersedes anything else. There are already negotiations for a sequel.