While reports of disreputable charities and misusedfunds make many potential donors pause before writing the dollar amount ontheir charitable checks, Dining for Women has a tight selection process for theprograms it funds. DFW will only work with groups that operate at thegrassroots level, so the donated money makes a larger impact. Selected programshave to operate on a relatively small funding level, have a U.S.-basedaffiliate through which donations are channeled, and have the ability todirectly measure the effects of the funding. Because Dining for Women maintainsa close relationship with the organizations it works with, DFW members receiveregular updates on the impact their donations are having on the women supportedby the group’s efforts.
To improve the quality of life for the women andchildren living in the poorest regions of the world, Dining for Women supportsprograms that educate, promote good health, or foster economicself-sufficiency. In September, for example, 100% of the collective dinnerdonations was given to the Shem Women’s Group, an organization that trainsTibetan women to design, implement and manage local development projects thatwill give their communities access to basics like water, fuel, electricity,health care and education.
Women on the giving-end aren’t just enjoying foodand wine with like-minded ladies. They become agents of change, capable ofsignificantly improving the world as we know it. At these dinners, they learnabout world events and important issues affecting women and children instruggling countries. A chapter can be started new, or formed from an existinggroup that would like to donate to DFW. The format is determined by the group,so if meeting for coffee is more your cup of tea, so be it.
Milwaukeeis currently home to two chapters of Dining for Women, but there is always aneed for collective giving. Chapters can be formed by submitting an onlineapplication and paying a $25 registration fee. DFW brings to the tableestablished nonprofit status and administrative support, as well as programresearch and selection. Women bring a dish, a donation and a desire to improvethe world.
For moreinformation, call (864) 284-6577, write P.O. Box 25633, Greenville, SC 29616or visit www.DiningForWomen.org/.