Happy holidays! It’s time for celebrating and sharing; parties and prayers; food and friends; drinks and delights. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. During this week, my dear Ruthie Rooters, I just want to wish you all a helluva holiday and nifty New Year.
Whether you live it up, party down, get cozy or get crazy, I hope this season offers the exact celebration you desire and creates memories you’ll cherish. Cheers to a happy season, my friends. Not everyone, however, is quite as excited as I am about the season. Don’t believe me? Let’s review a message I recently received and see if we can’t send this reader some merry-and- bright vibes!
Dear Ruthie,
Christmas is here and I’m freaking out. I don’t even have my tree up and I guess I’m going to have to pull an all-nighter to get it up. I don’t have my shopping done, and I can’t even think about this stupid White Elephant Party I have to go to! I’m in a cookie exchange at work and that’s adding even more anxiety to an already stressful time. Is this what the holidays are all about? Please offer me (and maybe many other people) a few ways to beat holiday stress.
Please Answer This,
Anxious Anne
Dear Annie,
Take a chill pill, sweetie! Well, okay, maybe stay clear of actual pills, but do take a step back, take a deep breath and try to remember what Christmas is supposed to be about.
Start by accepting that you can’t do it all. It’s okay. Really! One year, I had no time to put up a Christmas tree, so I didn’t. You know what happened that year? Not a damn thing. Santa still came, the world still celebrated, and I still had wonderful holiday free of any Christmas-tree-related stress I may have created for myself.
White Elephant Party’s too much for you? Don’t go. Cookie exchange getting you crazy? Drop out. If that’s not a possibility (for some bizarre reason), take a shortcut. Grab a kooky gift from around the house or pickup cookies from the bakery on your way home from work one night. Find fast solutions to stressful situations, even if that means leaving your original idea in the dust.
Start to re-think holiday traditions in order to make life easier. If holding a yuletide party leads to panic attacks, change your plans. Make it a potluck so you don’t have to cook, suggest meeting friends at a bar or restaurant, or simply don’t host those stressful suckers in the first place. Create new Christmas traditions that better fit your schedule, and you’ll experience less stress and more happiness this holiday season.
Ruthie’s Social Calendar
Dec. 20—Ghosts of Christmas Past Mediumship Night at The Pasta Tree Restaurant & Wine Bar (1503 N. Farwell Ave.): Missing a deceased relative this holiday? Curious what 2019 might bring? Two mediums hit up the pasta palace for a night of predictions and more with this 6 p.m. party. Enjoy wine and seasonal bar specials as well as a henna artist at this change-of-pace soiree.
Dec. 20—Silver & Gold Holiday Party at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): One of the city’s favorite LGBTQ watering holes is decked out in all its metallic glory to ring in the holidays with you! Join the team for their Christmas bash that includes $3 drink specials, as well as spiked cider and cocoa. Santa is also scheduled to arrive with gifts for all at the 8 p.m. bash.
Dec. 21—“RuPaul All-Stars” Viewing at Mary’s Arcade (734 S. Fifth St.): Ru’s brought his best gals back for more craziness during this new season of the popular series. Don’t have cable? Don’t worry! Watch each episode, munch on free popcorn and take advantage of drink specials during the weekly 7 p.m. viewing parties.
Dec. 22-23—National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation at Avalon Atmospheric Theater (2473 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.): Rise and shine! The Griswold family is hosting a bash, and you’re invited. Watch as they plan the funniest holiday on film. Enjoy the 1989 classic Christmas movie on the big screen at 10:30 a.m. for just $5.
Dec. 23—Don’t Do the Crime, If You Can’t Make It Rhyme at The Underground Collaborative (161 W. Wisconsin Ave.): Local songwriter and performer Jason Powell hosts this evening of songs with original music and lyrics in this live 6 p.m. concert. Tickets are going for $18, so liven up your yuletide with a new custom!
Ask Ruthie a question and share your events at dearruthie@shepex.com. Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Don’t miss her hilarious reality show on YouTube—“Camp Wannakiki!”