<p>It\'s not nearly as high-tech as the Daytrotter sessions, where touring bands record in a small Rockford, Ill. studio, but it\'s even more intimate: The website <a href=\"http://www.switchboardsessions.com/\">Switchboard Sessions</a> conducts in-depth interviews with musicians and records small-scale performances from them over the telephone. The site\'s latest guest was Davey von Bohlen, who spoke (probably not for the last time) about The Promise Ring\'s upcoming reunion shows, then played four tracks: two Promise Ring cuts, a Maritime B-side and a Mark Mallman cover. <br /><br />"Von Bohlen recorded these songs from his home in Milwaukee, WI around dinner time on the first evening of the year," site founder Dane Erbach wrote of the sessions, which <a href=\"http://www.switchboardsessions.com/2009/11/about-switchboard-sessions.html\">you can stream here</a>. "Because his two boys were playing laundry-basketball, he performed the songs in the relative quiet of the bathroom (though one can still hear his boys playing and dog barking occasionally in the background)."</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>