Sixteen area kids took part in a video shoot for Toby Keith's latest single, "Made in America," Saturday morning at Lake Bluff Elementary school in Shorewood, though despite reports suggesting he would be, the country singer wasn't present. A small crew filmed the kids reciting the Pledge of Allegiance about 10 times. Shorewood Patch has a recap and some pictures of the modest-looking shoot.
Not professional actors, the kids often got antsy reciting the pledge so many times. But first assistant director Stanley Morse, said their distractions added authenticity to the production.“That's the beauty of finding realism,” he said. “Their attention wanes, and that's more like real life, so it's great. I give them an A+.”
The footage will correspond with these lyrics: “He loves his wife. She's that wife that decorates on the Fourth of July but says, 'Every day's independence day.' She's golden rule, teaches school. Some folks say it isn't cool, but she says the Pledge of Allegiance anyway.”
You can stream the spar-spangled song below—it's got kind of a Built to Spill "Randy Described Eternity" vibe to it, right down to the spacey guitar effects at the end. (A couple good folks on Twitter pointed out the Built to Spill song it most clearly lifts from is "Else." Very bizarre.)