After nearly eight years of playing an ornery, frequently unethical medical mastermind on “House,” Hugh Laurie has taken a break from the screen to pursue one of his other loves: blues music. His style of blues has an Old South, circa 1930 feel to it, evidenced by such tracks as the dance-worthy “Swanee River,” which is full to the brim with upbeat, hammered-out piano riffs and glissandos. Laurie's voice adds grit to classic gospel on the simple and sweet “Hallelujah, I Love Her So” and blends bluegrass with jazz on the slow and sweltering “Waiting for a Train.” All of these tracks are featured on his 2011 debut full-length album, <i>Let Them Talk</i>.
Hugh Laurie
Tonight @ The Pabst Theater, 6:30 p.m.