As Neon Indian, 20-something Texan Alan Palomo makes lo-fi, danceable songs that are essentially Daft Punk tunes played over an 8-bit video game console. They click and pop in catchy, interesting ways, smothered in reverb, drowned in noise and washed in keyboards. That sound, captured on 2009's Psychic Chasms, made Palomo one of the most celebrated musicians of the so-called “chillwave” movement, and on the road Neon Indian has proved itself one of the few chillwave groups capable of translating their act into an engaging live show. This spring Neon Indian released a vinyl-only split collaborative EP with The Flaming Lips. (Click here to read the Shepherd's 2010 interview with Palomo.)
Neon Indian
Tonight @ Turner Hall Ballroom, 8 p.m.