Before filming the highest-grossing adult comedy of all time, this summer’s breakthrough hit The Hangover, director Todd Phillips explored similar themes of domestic male rebellion in 2003’s Old School, the frequently uproarious film that cemented Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn as box-office draws. Luke Wilson, at his most everyman-ish, ostensibly stars as a newly single 30-something whose stifled friends turn his house into a fraternity in an effort to relive their college days, but it’s Ferrell and Vaughn who steal the show. Though reviews were initially mixed, Old School quickly became a popular college staple and helped set the tone of hit comedies for the rest of the decade. Tonight, Discovery World screens the movie outside for free at dusk following a 6 p.m. fish fry.
Old School
Tonight @ Discovery World, 6 p.m.