David Hampton passed himself off as the son of Sidney Poitier in the early '80s, conning money out of wealthy Manhattanites by claiming to be in New York to visit his famous father. He said he was wounded during a mugging in Central Park and was looking for a few kind people to help him out. In 1983, Hampton was convicted of fraud and banned from New York City. The story became the inspiration for the 1990 John Guare drama <i>Six Degrees of Separation</i>, which quickly became a hit and was adapted into a film starring Stockard Channing and Will Smith. As relevant as ever, Six Degrees of Separation is being staged this month at the Sunset Playhouse in Elm Grove through June 10. The cast includes a number of notable young talents, including Ruth Arnell, Nate Press and Sherrick Robinson as the con artist, named Paul in the play. Donna Daniels and Jim Santelle play the wealthy couple victimized by Paul.
Six Degrees of Separation
Today @ Sunset Playhouse, 7:30 p.m.