The recent behavior of Hillary Clinton can best be described as erratic. From, "I'm honored, honored, to be on stage with Barack Obama," to "Shame on you, Barack Obama! meet me in Ohio," it seems obvious that she needs someone to get the hook, pull her off stage, and explain that if she should happen to win Ohio and Texas and go on to win the nomination, she will need the people she is now mocking. The over-the-top impersonation of Barack was the final straw. This is not junior high school.
Meanwhile we suffer from the slimy tactics of Harold Ickes and Mark Penn, who gave swift boating a try this week with the Barack photo. None of it seems to be sticking as Obama has opened up a big lead 54 percent to 38 percent and is the likely winner in Texas and Ohio.
WMC: Meanwhile, back in the land of La Follette, the WMC air war has begun. Turn on your TV and see a man behind bars. The WMC sponsored candidate would keep him there but, of course, moderate Louis Butler would, if you believe the wing nuts at WMC, set him free. Welcome to Wisconsin Willy Horton. WMC describes the two candidates--their man is a "traditionalist" who "opposes judicial activism." The sitting Justice is, "A judicial activist" who expands prisoner rights.
What happened to the Basting Commission? Butler called on an independent group supporting him to "stand down," whatever that means, while WMC goes on a TV buying spree. Justice Butler is right--the candidates should run their campaigns but that won't happen. (Read Dave Zweifel's WMC comments.)
JSeditorial calls on Assembly to pass the Impartial Justice bill, but the speaker won't take it up. (Never thought I'd miss Scott Jensen.)
Percy Julian passes: Sad to report but Civil Rights pioneer Percy Julian died on Sunday. Jeff Scott Olsen told the Cap Times, "He was a model for other lawyers in how to be a good lawyer and a kind heart at the same time." Well said. Percy left his mark and will be missed.