The Jan. 24 edition contained two articles (actually three, counting the cover story) of significance. First Mr. Conason hit the nail on the head describing our debacle in Iraq (“What They Call 'Progress' in Iraq”). If only the other 35% of the public weren’t so brainwashed by the conservative right, we may have been out some time ago.
Anyone with even half a brain knows that Bush and his miserable cronies have really screwed up this country to no end. It is newspapers like yours that tell more truth. Isn’t the Fox News Channel for dummies? I think there ought to be a book! The other article is by Mr. McNally (“Trickle Up”) and his belief (and mine) that President Dumbass has put the country in a financial disaster. Trickle down economics? Tax cuts? Who are they kidding? Makes me sick.
The cover article (“Lights Out” by Lisa Kaiser) was also very informative. I will continue to read and use the advertisers of the Shepherd Express whenever I can. Your opinions are mine!!!
John P. Hayden Oconomowoc