The Door County Sled Dogs (DCSDs), named after the county where co-founders Bonnie Ulrich and Rick Desotelle rescued their first huskies, is an entirely volunteer-run nonprofit that provides educational presentations about pet rescue, responsible ownership and healthy outdoor activities shared by all ages of people and their dogs. DCSDs has rehomed more than 150 dogs in the last few years with more than 40 of those rescues permanently a part of the organization. Rescues come from shelters such as the Wisconsin Humane Society, Washington County Humane Society, Elmbrook Humane Society and Green Lake Animal Shelter. The organization also takes retired and/or injured mushing dogs. The dogs connect with the community through meet-and-greets, educational presentations, parades and sled dog rides. The nonprofit has offered sled dog rides to the public in partnership with the Milwaukee County Parks since 2008.
“Our message is focused on all rescues and the valuable lessons they can teach us,” says Executive Director Ulrich. “The DCSDs is a unique model that, although extremely successful, fits into no existing mold. We are the only one of its kind in the nation. We are expert at working with smart, high-energy breeds and helping them to find the life they deserve.”
This year, DCSDs will open its new education center in Door County. “We hope to continue to be a face and voice for many other rescue organizations to help them connect with good prospective pet owners in Milwaukee, Door County and throughout the Midwest,” Ulrich says. The grand opening is scheduled for the weekend of July 4.
Monetary donations go directly to the needs of the rescue dogs, and in-kind donations include American-made training treats, canned dog food and rawhide chewies, peanut butter and gas cards. A full wish list is available at DCSDs will also host its annual fundraiser “Party with the Sled Dogs” Saturday, April 23, at American Serbian Hall. For more information, go to or call the Sled Dog Hotline at 414-967-9677.
Door County Sled Dogs is giving dog sled rides every Sunday through February from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., weather permitting, at Whitnall Park or McKinley Marina. A birthday party for the dogs is scheduled for Feb. 13 and 14, with rides available both days at Whitnall Park. The cost is $15 per child and $20 per adult. Call the Sled Dog Hotline for trail conditions and location.