Memoirs continue to fascinate serious scholars,book club devotees and general bookworms alike. Milwaukee is home to numerous authors whoseincredible life stories have turned into worthy tomes. The latest, RichardCutler, chronicles his time as a lawyer, entrepreneur and community serviceleader in I Came, I Saw, I Wrote.Cutler, who was instrumental in shaping the growth of metropolitan Milwaukee, also worked as a spy for the U.S. Army, ledlocal planning for safe land use and water issues, and helped to bring theSeattle Pilots to Milwaukee,where they later became our Milwaukee Brewers. Cutler’s life has been dedicatedto fair business practices and public service. To top it off, I Came, I Saw, I Wrote establishes himas a legitimate author as well. Cutler will share his story at Boswell Book Co. on Thursday, April 29,at 7 p.m.
Since 1996, April has been dubbed “National PoetryMonth” as part of an effort to promote poetry books and performances. But thatdoesn’t mean your love for lyrical beauty can’t extend into other months.Oconomowoc’s Books & Co. kicksoff the new month with its “Community Poetry Reading.” On Saturday, May 1, at 7p.m., Books & Co. encourages neighborhood residents to display theiroriginal works or recite famous ballads. Registration for those reciting poetryis requested.