Soulstice Theatre / Via Facebook
Personally I don’t see the appeal of Sara Ruhl’s Eurydice. It’s a contemporary mutation of the story of a daughter of Apollo who became the wife of Orpheus. In principle it’s kind of a nice idea, but it lacks a whole lot of insight. To me it almost feels like a passionless, self-involved assignment for an MFA creative writing program. BUT...the play has had numerous stagings and people evidently love it. And if anyone can make me actually like Sara Ruhl’s script...if anyone can make it fresh, compelling and engaging, it just might be Soulstice Theatre.
Soulstice will be staging Ruhl’s adaptation early this coming June. Auditions will be held at the end of the month for the show. Soulstice will be holding auditions on two consecutive days: Saturday, March 29 from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. and Sunday, March 30 from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Callbacks will be on April 1 if necessary. (It’s got to be kind of weird to be called-in for a call-back on April Fool’s Day, but I’m sure that’s just how things landed on the calendar.) All auditions take place at Soulstice Theatre on 3770 S. Pennsylvania Ave.
Catherine R. Jones directs the show. No appointment is necessary. For more detailed information, visit the Auditions’ Facebook page.