The story of Aphra Behn is one that could have easily been fabricated for the sake of a good story. In the 17th century, she was briefly married, traveled abroad and reputedly met an African slave leader. She returned to England. Her husband died or separated from her. In 1666, she became attached to the royal court and soon became England's first professional female literary writer, penning books and over a dozen plays. Somewhere along the line, she had become a spy for the British government during the Second Anglo-Dutch War. With a life like that it's surprising there hasn't been more fiction based around her.
Recently, playwright Liz Duffy Adams used the life of the literary figure in her comedy Or. A production of Duffy's tribute to Behn is being staged this month as the final show of Carte Blanche Studios’ 2012-2013 season. Though firmly set in the 17th century, Or has a contemporary feel about it, mixing moods from different eras into what might feel like a brisk, contemporary, comic cloak-and-dagger romance.
Staged in a cozy studio theatre, Carte Blanche's production will bring the emotional end of the comedy close to the audience. The atmosphere of the best Carte Blanche productions materializes through lighting and costuming as performances render the immediacy of the moment that is in many ways as close to the actors as they are to each other.
Carte Blanche's production of Or runs May 31-June 9 at Carte Blanche's studio theatre, 1024 S. Fifth St. For tickets, call 414-688-7313.
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Theatre Happenings
The World's Stage Theatre Company presents Robby McGhee in The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, fabulist Mike Daisey's account of Chinese labor, May 31-June 2 at Next Act Theatre, 255 S. Water St. Call 414-278-0765 for tickets.
Sunset Playhouse continues its season with Ken Ludwig's popular comic tribute to the farces of the 1930s and ’40s, The Fox on the Fairway, runs May 30-June 16 at the Furlan Auditorium, 800 Elm Grove Road. For tickets, call 262-782-4430 or visit