I love the local theater community. It’s probably been a while since I’ve come right out and said as much. Here’s another reason why: Someone is hosting a workshop for “Intro to Musical Improv and Using Film & Theatre Genres in Improv.” To those of us on the outside, a class like this sounds impossibly arcane and...downright weird. Local musical theatre/improv guru Jacob D. Bach (one of the men behind T.I.M.: The Improvised Musical) is offering the workshop at ComedySportz Milwaukee this Nov. 16 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Here’s the workshop description from the Facebook event page:
“Using Film & Theatre Genres- This workshop explores the use of genres in improv in order to round out your work. It also gives you a guide to genres that you might not know but will be able to sell to an audience!